Thank you for choosing Prevail Together for your creative work! Note that we are only choosing creative work from the Twin Cities area of Minnesota.
We are looking for visual art, poetry/spoken word, storytelling, music, visual art and actors. We are especially interested in youth performers and choirs, and work from people of color.
We do not accept work that relies on expletives. We do not accept work that condemns specific groups or persons (but not ideas or types or categories). If, for example, you wish to address narcissistic personalities through the name of a former president, rather than name the president, name the disease (chronic narcissism).
Poetry MUST address our themes, EXCEPT for themes repeated weekly (see below).
Send submission either as PDF, docx, doc, odt (OpenOffice) or txt (text) using the form below. You may also copy a link to a Facebook post or a YouTube video and paste the link into Your Message in form below. See below for more info on copy/paste procedure.
Musicians may submit work that is NOT related–or peripherally related–to themes (if music contains lyrics). However, when choosing a date for a live performance, we would expect lyrics that are related in some way to the theme (without having to connect too many dots).
Submit by attaching .WAV, .MP3 file or OGG files. You may also copy a link to a Facebook post or a YouTube video and paste the link into Your Message in form below. See below for more info on copy/paste procedure.
Actors may submit videos either by linking to a website, or as an attachment (please keep movie file size to less than 5 megabytes: Use the free program Handbrake to reduce file sizes). Attach MP4, MOV or WMV files.
You may also copy a link to a Facebook post or a YouTube video and paste the link into Your Message in form below. See below for more info on copy/paste procedure.
Visual artists include painters, photographers, sculptors, crafters, and mixed media. Any work accepted for inclusion in a show MUST be physically present at the show, along with the artist. Visual art need not be related to a theme. However, for photography, photos of people in their environments are more likely to be accepted. A release form must be included if faces are recognizable. Please send a link to a website where your work is featured, or attach no more than three (3) images to the email, in the JPG, JPEG, GIF or PNG format at a 5 megabyte limit. You may also copy a link to a Facebook post or a YouTube video and paste the link into Your Message in form below. See below for more info on copy/paste procedure.
Please allow 1 -15 days for review of your creative work.
On Windows Computer to Copy/Paste a Link for a Facebook Post
- At the top, left of the post you will see a timestamp with the date.
- Right click on the timestamp using mouse or mousepad and choose Copy Link from the drop down list.
- Go to the Submission Form in the Your Message area, right click again, and choose Paste.
On Android cell phone to Copy/Paste a Link for a Facebook Post
- Click 3 vertical dots at top, right of Facebook post.
- Press Copy Link
- Go to the Submission Form in the Your Message area, hold finger in place until Paste shows.
- Press Paste.
On Windows Computer, Android, to Copy/Paste a Link for YouTube
- At bottom of video screen click or press Share.
- Click or press Copy Link.
- On Windows, go to the Submission Form in the Your Message area, right click, and choose Paste.
- On Android cell phone, go to the Submission Form in the Your Message area, hold finger in place until Paste shows. Press Paste.
Themes listed below may change in their order. These are updated often, so please come back and check again.
Myth of Happiness
When has the pursuit of happiness rewarded you with happiness? When didn’t it? Is Happiness worth pursuing?
When had you been angry about one thing only to find that the anger went much deeper? Tell us about it, and how you dealt with it?
Let us know your experience when you visited a location considered dangerous by news reports and found it to be entirely different?
Myth of Self
Studies say that self-reporting is replete with error when in therapy, when dating, when telling others about who you are. What is this thing called “self”?
Tell us about a time when you felt guilty—not because of someone else telling you to feel guilty—but on your own? Useful? Or not?
Myth of Being Informed
How useful is it to be informed in a Democracy, and what do you do with that information? Or do you tune it out?
One interpretation of the word “repentance” is to think about what you’re thinking about. In an average day, what do you think about and would it be useful to think about other things? Tell us about it.
Interior versus the Exterior Life
COVID has taught us is that one set of people don’t wear a mask because they’re not afraid of being killed by COVID and another set of people wear a mask because they could spread COVID to others. When have you thought about the effect of something on others despite how it would affect you? How have you responded through actions?
Many are opposed to pornography, but much fewer to graphic violence (ferrionography) except in video games. Have you ever wondered why so many movies include guns and we think nothing of it? Does that affect our views on violence? Rape?
MORE to come for weekly shows in the future. Check back!
You decide what a “prayer” might be and to whom or to what it is written. We anticipate publishing a book at some future point in time from a collection of poets who have written prayers.
Street survivors (unhoused and formerly unhoused individuals) will speak about themes and about their lives.
Every show contains often humorous ads to buy Prevail Mixes. These are pancake/waffle, corn muffin and other mixes for sale on the web at All proceeds go to Street Survivor workers. Prevail Mix operates as an entity under Prevail News, a 501(c)3 non-profit.